
Up-to-date information about IUSTI-Europe and its activities can be found at





Cooperation with other international organizations

ECDC: The relationship between IUSTI and the ECDC continues to develop. Liaison officers have been appointed by both parties to enable closer cooperation.
EDF: there are strengthening ties with the European Dermatology Forum, with IUSTI-Europe activities on the official agenda of the Annual Dermatology Forum Meeting
EADV: on the IUSTI Europe activities on the Annual Dermatology Forum. Two EADV Task Forces in the field of STIs have been officially approved
UEMS: IUSTI Europe has an observer on the European Board of Dermato-Venereology of the UEMS


Previous Reports

<< 20202019Sept 2017  | Sept 2016 |  Oct 2015  |  July 2014 |  July 2013  |  July 2012  |

European Guidelines and Patient information Leaflets

An introduction to the IUSTI Europe STI guidelines is available on this site. These peer-reviewed, regularly-revised STI guidelines and patient information leaflets may be accessed directly here. Information on guidelines in progress is given in the regional directors report, below.

European Clinical Collaborative Group (ECCG)

The ECCG was formally inaugurated at the European IUSTI Executive Committee meeting at the 26th IUSTI Congress Riga, Latvia 2011. This network of STI specialists has come together to principally conduct questionnaire based research across the European Region. The group is modeled on established successful clinical networks within a few European countries which have conducted similar work…. ECCG Link here 




Сайт IUSTI вРоссии


Regional Director:

Dr. Claudia Heller-Vitouch (Austria)

Office Bearers

Prof. George-Sorin Tiplica (NR of Romania)

Ass.Prof. Arne Wikström (NR of Sweden)

General Secretary:
Ass.prof. Eija Hiltunen-Back (NR of Finland)

The Immediate Past Regional Director:
Dr. Airi Poder (NR of Estonia)

Editor in Chief European STI Guidelines:
Dr. Jackie Sherrard (UK)

International development:
Prof. Mihael Skerlev (NR of Croatia)

Chair for Scientific policy and conference management:
Dr. Derek Freedman (NR of Ireland)

Chair for Communication:
Dr. Andy Winter (NR of UK)

Chairs for Education:
Prof. Angelika Stary (Austria) 
Dr. Marco Cusini (NR of Italy)

National Representatives (NR):
Prof. Arjan Harxhi (Albania)
Prof. Karen Babayan † (Armenia)
Ass.Prof. Georg Stary (Austria)
Dr. Vugar Eyvazov (Azerbaydjan)
Prof. Chris Kenyon (Belgium)
Prof. Oleg Pankratov (Belarus)
Dr. Elena Petrova (Bulgaria)
Prof. Mihael Skerlev (Croatia)
Prof. Jorgen Skov Jensen (Denmark)
Prof. Airi Poder (Estonia)
Ass. prof. Eija Hiltunen-Back (Finland)
Dr. Sebastien Fouere (France)
Ass.prof Mircea Betiu (Moldova)
Dr. Josephe Kobakhidze (Georgia)
Prof. Norbert Brockmeyer (Germany)
Prof. Electra Nikolaidou (Greece)
Dr. Béla Tóth (Hungary)
Dr. Derek Freedman (Ireland)
Dr. Israel Tsyrulnikov (Israel)
Dr. Marco Cusini (Italy)
Ass.Prof. Silvestrs Rubins (Latvia)
Prof. Vesta Kučinskienė (Lithuania)
Dr. Natasa Teovska (Macedonia)
Dr. Valeska Padovese (Malta)
Prof. Henry de Vries (Netherlands)
Dr. Usha Hartgill (Norway)
Ass. prof. Agnieszka B. Serwin (Poland)
Prof. Carmen Lisboa (Portugal)
Prof. George-Sorin Tiplica (Romania)
Prof. Mikhail Gomberg (Russia)
Prof. Marko Potocnik (Slovenia)
Dr. Gemma Martin Ezquerra (Spain)
Ass. prof. Arne Wikström (Sweden)
Prof. Stefan Lautenschlager (Switzerland)
Prof. Deniz Gokengin (Turkey)
Prof. Gleb Bondarenko (Ukraine)
Prof. Arjan Harxhi (Albania)
Dr. Claire Dewsnap (United Kingdom)
Prof. Jana Tresnak Hercogova (Czech Republic)

Senior Counsellor:
Dr. Marti Vall Mayans
Dr. David Barlow
Prof. Michel Janier
Prof. Harald Moi
Dr. Keith Radcliffe
Prof. Angelika Stary
Prof. Willem I. Van der Meijden
