DST – Jornal Brasileiro de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (Brazilian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases), scientific journal open on the internet, is addressed to associates of SBDST, subscribers, libraries, reference centers, gynecologists, urologists, infectologists, dermatologists, general physicians, family health programs, epidemiologists, biologists, health professionals in general and institutions with partnerships.
The Latin American Region is present at IUSTI through the Latin American and Caribbean Association for the Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections (ALACITS www.alacits.org). ALACITS was founded in 2003 aiming at bringing together professionals from different specialties from the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, who are interested in collaborating on activities related to services, training and research applied to the control of Sexually Transmitted Infections. In 2007, ALACITS, became part of the International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI) as official representative for the Latin America and Caribbean region.
Colleagues in Latin America may wish to know that there is now an on-line IUSTI membership application and renewal system available here, with payment. If you become a member of IUSTI Latin America automatically you become also a member of ALACITS and viceversa.
Regional reports
Regional Director:
Dra. Angelica Espinosa Miranda
Departamento de Medicina Social – Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo
Av. Marechal Campos, 1468 Maruípe
Vitória – ES – Brasil CEP 29040-091
Tel +55 27 3335 7225
Fax +55 27 3335 7504 E-mail: angelica.miranda@ufes.br
Office Bearers
Branch Committee Chair:
Dra. Maria Luiza Bazzo Departamento de Análises Clínicas Laboratório de Biologia Molecular, Microbiologia e Sorologia (LBMMS) – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Tel +55 48 3721 4562 E-mail: m.l.bazzo@ufsc.br marialuizabazzo@gmail.com
Protocols, guidelines, and articles
Brazilian STI guidelines (Portuguese and Spanish)
Brazilian STI guidelines (English)