Welcome to IUSTI Training.
This page is for those who wish to learn how to edit and contribute to IUSTI website. Content on this training course will continually be update please return regularly.
Should you have any questions please contact IUSTI web admin.
Editing IUSTI Website Courses

Roles and permission to edit website:
Permission to contribute, edit or publish to the IUSTI website is restricted to various roles granted to your membership. To gain permission of various roles completing courses will be necessary for the permission level required. Please contact membership secretary or IUSTI admin should you wish to do the course. You are free to view the introduction however a password is required to access the course links.
Roles and Permissions:
- Subscriber: Read and view Only
- Contributor: Read and write Only
- Author: Read, write and edit Only
- Editor: Read, write, edit, delete and publish
- Admin: All of the above and manage roles
Courses available:
- Introduction to editing IUSTI website Course level 1.1
Basics of editing IUSTI pages, blogs and uploading media - Editing IUSTI next step Course level 1.2
Editing Menu, C.1.2-1
Banner Sliders C.1.2-2
Editing Tables C.1.2-3
Contributing to Newsletter C.1.2-4 - IUSTI Membership Course level 1.2-5
Restricted to membership secretary. - Technically savvy
Restricted course only available to members with specific roles Course level 1.3 and 1.4