IUSTI Annual prestigious lectures
In 2015 the EXCO and GA approved an IUSTI Prestigious Lecture delivered at our IUSTI-World Congresses each year.
There is no formal way of deciding which plenary lecture to nominate, so the President should choose one and name it as the ‘IUSTI Prestigious Lecture’ in order to ensure the Board’s decision was followed.
The list of IUSTI Prestigious Lectures are:
- 1st 2016 (Morocco) – Professor Glenda Gray ‘HIV: How to get to zero infections?’
- 2nd 2017 (Brazil) – Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo ‘Update on vaginal microbiome research’
- 3rd 2018 (Dublin) – 2018 Dr. Marleen Timmerman – ‘Sexual health, sexual rights, and HIV/STI among women in East-Africa’
- 4th 2019 (Vancouver) – Dr. Jorgen Jensen ‘Revising STI treatment guidelines in times of rapidly evolving antimicrobial resistant STIs’
(2020 Congress was cancelled and replaced by a short virtual meeting in December 2021) - 5th 2021 (Amsterdam virtual and joint Prestigious lecture with ISSTDR) Dr. Joan Chow ‘Tribute to Dr. Julius Schacter’
- 6th 2022 (Victoria Falls) – Dr Yuka Manabe ‘Existing point-of-care tests and future developments for diagnosis and antimicrobial resistance testing’
- 7th 2023 (Chicago) – two speakers in a 1 hour symposium on ‘Sexual Health during Social Disruption’ with Dr Frances Cowen on ‘Providing services for criminalised key populations’ and Dr Valeska Padovese on ‘Refugee and migrant care’
- 8th 2024 (Sydney) – Prof Michael Marks “The global syphilis epidemic: why is this happening and what should we do about it”

Gold Medals
- awarded for exceptional service to IUSTI World
Silver Medals
- awarded to local hosts of World IUSTI meetings and for organising regional meetings where the regional branch does not award medals
Bronze medals
- awarded for other merited activity
Criteria for IUSTI awards and medals
IUSTI Prestigious annual lectures
In 2015 the EXCO and GA approved an IUSTI Prestigious Lecture delivered at the IUSTI-World Congresses each year.
There is no formal way of deciding which plenary lecture to nominate, so the President should choose one and name it as the ‘IUSTI Prestigious Lecture’ in order to ensure the Board’s decision was followed. The lecturer receives a certificate.
IUSTI Best Presentation Awards
To recognise the best presentations at the IUSTI congress, awards are available for the best oral and poster presentations.
The IUSTI Best Oral Presentation Awards
Awards will be awarded to the presenters and runner up of the best oral presentation at the IUSTI Congress.
The IUSTI Best Poster Presentation Awards
Awards will be awarded to the presenter of the best poster presentations at the IUSTI Congress.
All accepted abstracts for oral or poster presentation at the IUSTI Congress are eligible. No additional application is required.
Judging criteria
All oral and poster presentations will be judged by an Award Review Panel consisting of IUSTI members. Selection criteria include originality and quality of work, along with presentation skills and styles.
Winners will be announced in the IUSTI closing plenary. Winners will receive an award certificate.